Roland Galibert

Full Stack Developer

I'm a qualified full stack developer (masters from Harvard) who enjoys designing and implementing web apps in Laravel and JavaScript as well as serverless APIs.

Download my resume or drop me an email

Tools & Technologies

Laravel/PHP • MySQL • JavaScript • Bootstrap • HTML/CSS
AWS (API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, SNS, EC2) • Familiar with Java
Visual Studio Code • Github • Agile (scrum, TDD) • Astah • UML • NetBeans • Oxygen
IoT • Espruino/puck.js • GPS • Google Maps • Tiptap WYSIWYG editor

Recent Projects

  • Developed extension to diff2html diff parser which displays HTML file changes as rendered HTML in addition to straight code.
    Tools & technologies: - diff2html diff parser, Sebastian Bergmann diff implementation for PHP, PHP/Laravel, JavaScript.
  • Developed RoR/Google Maps app which shows, by country and selectable job title, number of job postings currently available on popular employment website as well as related historical trends.
    Tools & technologies: Ruby on Rails, GoogleMaps, Selenium headless browser.
  • Optimized business websites for mobile; implemented SEO for same.
    Tools & technologies: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS.



Web Professional Institute, Inc., December 2022 to present.

  • Implement new features, enhancements and bug fixes for Laravel and RoR applications used by German-based provider of state-certified professional online courses in web programming and web design.
  • Most developments related to maintenance of Laravel collaborative rich text WYSIWYG editor based on Tiptap and used by instructors to create course books.
  • Development environment for above editor consists of dockerized Laravel application on Linux running nginx, PHP, mariadb and mongodb.
  • Apply agile TDD approach in developing code in 2-week scrums; developments subject to peer review on Github.
  • (Project currently suspended due to funding).

Freelance Software Developer/Translator

Self, September 2007 to present

  • Develop software on a contract basis.
  • Designed/developed/maintain own business websites.
  • Maintain self-managed cloud server for business websites; installed/configured SSL and HTTP, FTP and email servers on same.
  • Also work as translator (German/French into English).


Timken Aerospace, January 2004 to September 2007

  • Developed/maintained web applications in languages including Java Server Faces.
  • Developed Crystal Enterprise/VBScript data warehousing system to transmit invoice, order & purchase order data from Timken Lebanon to central data warehouse.
  • Developed IOpus bot/VBScript system to automatically upload/download order data to/from customer web portal.
  • Created/maintained department reports written in a variety of languages (Excel Visual Basic, various flavors of SQL, etc.) and run in a variety of ways (System i, automated Windows Server tasks, ASC Sequel on the Web etc.).
  • Development of system to coordinate orders created/maintained on external systems with those created/maintained on Timken Lebanon legacy system/data warehouse/SAP.
  • Maintenance of System i systems, applications and jobs.
  • Collaborated with operations, production, planning customer service departments.
  • Provided user support for office applications (Word, Excel, Access).

Production Technician

Medical Media Systems, November 2002 to January 2004

MMS' primary mission was to create 3D color computer models from CT scans showing the blood flow, thrombus, etc. of patients with blood vessel disorders.

  • Converted CT film scans & x-rays into digital format for later processing.
  • Archived/manipulated x-ray images by scanning x-ray film into computer, processing it, then burning CD.
  • Download CT scans from variety of media (optical disks, DVDs, CDs, Internet).
  • Linux / Windows - copy/move files; create directories; file transfer (FTP); download from Internet.
  • Coordinated MMS' secondary business as a core lab/repository for x-rays of patients requiring stents.
  • Everyday use of medical terminology in updating scan histories.


Harvard University

Extension School, Master of Liberal Arts, Software Engineering, May 2020

  • Final grade average: 3.67/4.0 (A-)
  • Courses included software design, mobile applications (Xamarin Forms), dynamic web applications (PHP/Laravel), Java for distributed computing, communication protocols & Internet architectures.
  • Master's thesis: Using Espruino, Blockchain and Amazon Web Services to Raise Accountability and Lower Costs in Perishable Shipping.

New York University

Certificate in German to English Translation, December 2007

  • Final grade average: A-
  • Certificate program included courses in medical translation, legal translation, commercial translation.

Williams College

Bachelor of Arts in English, June 1984

  • Studies included courses in computer science and two years of German.


(Selected projects developed for my master's degree courses at Harvard - click on a project title to view a slideshow demo)

Perishable Shipment Tracker - Serverless mobile-optimized web application allowing perishable suppliers to provision IoT sensors for shipment readings.
  • Readings (temperature, GPS location, humidity, etc.) stored in blockchain to prevent tampering and ensure accountability of all shipment actors.
  • SMS alerts issued when supplier-defined thresholds are exceeded.
  • Device-agnostic, support provided for puck.js Espruino device.
  • Application "remembers" previously-used entries and later presents these as radio button options, shipments can also be easily saved as templates.
Tools & Technologies: AWS (API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Cognito, SNS, EC2)
        Web Bluetooth • puck.js • Espruino • Ublox GPS Module
         Algorand blockchain • Node.js • JSON • Bootstrap

MBTA FacilityFinder - Xamarin Forms/Android mobile app allowing users to find MBTA facilities near them (car/bike parking, electric car charging stations, fare purchase facilities)
Tools & Technologies: MBTA API • Visual Studio • C#
Code available on Github.

Karaoke event finder - Laravel application allowing users to find karaoke events near them and to rate/post about hosts and locales.
Tools & Technologies: Google Places API • Ajax • Bootstrap • User management
Code available on Github.


Hobbies include cycling, golf, bridge, hiking, karaoke and cooking.